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The Sky & Fog Palette

The Sky & Fog palette is where you'll set up the attributes of your environment. The palette uses visual controls in the form of thumbnails to help you see how changing the value of an attribute affects your sky.

The Sky & Fog palette's thumbnails let you set values for sky attributes.

The name of the control you're adjusting appears in the Text Display area of the Control palette. You can also use this area to help guide you if you prefer numeric precision, as when you are adjusting the setting of a control; this area displays the current control's value.

Each control has at least one color swatch along the bottom of the thumbnail. These swatches are used to set the color for a given sky attribute, like cloud color or fog color.

Next to the thumbnails are a series of controls that let you set the frequency and amplitude of clouds, set the position of the sun or moon, and store sky properties. You can see their effects in the Preview area.

The set of controls at the end of the palette does not have visual guides, but you can see their effects in the Preview area.

Working with Sky Lab

The Sky Lab button provides access to the Sky Lab dialog. This dialog contains controls for fine-tuning environmental effects like clouds, rainbows, and sun and moon rings. Click the Sky Lab button, which looks like a cloud with a rainbow, in the Sky & Fog palette to display the Sky Lab dialog. You can also click the triangle icon below the memory dots and choose Sky Lab from the menu.

The dialog contains three tabs:

You can preview your changes in the Sky Lab dialog.

Working with the Sky & Fog palette

The Sky & Fog palette has several settings that you can use to control how the palette affects your scene and how the sun tracks your camera view. You can also use the palette's memory dots to store settings as you experiment with different environmental attributes.

Using the Control Thumbnails

The thumbnails are visual guides, and they are also used to set the attributes of Sky & Fog effects.

To change the intensity of an effect:
To pick a color for an effect:

Click the color bar below the thumbnail. A color picker appears and your pointer changes to an eyedropper.

While the eyedropper is active, you can select colors from anywhere in your scene, or even different parts of the interface.

For more control after picking with the color picker, try Option-click/Alt-click to get the second color editor, switch to HLS mode and adjust saturation or lightness (less saturated colors can make for more realistic fog and haze effects), or you can enter numeric values if you need to precisely match specific colors.

Setting Palette Options

The Sky & Fog palette options let you link the palette controls directly to your scene. To link Sky & Fog attributes directly to your scene:

To reset Sky & Fog palette settings to their defaults:

Saving Sky & Fog settings

The memory dots in the Sky & Fog palette let you store your favorite Sky & Fog settings. Using these dots you can safely explore many Sky & Fog configurations without losing your favorite settings along the way. Memory dots appear along the right side of the palette.

To save Sky & Fog settings:

All the current Sky & Fog palette settings are stored in the selected dot.

To switch to a saved Sky & Fog setting:

An active dot will be blue with a white point inside it.

To reset Sky & Fog settings to default:
To delete a saved Sky & Fog setting:

The uppermost dot cannot be cleared.

Memory dots are saved with the scene, but not between sessions, so you may want to save your favorite skies as presets before ending a Bryce session.

Randomizing Skies

Randomizing skies is a very powerful way of exploring possibilities you may never find any other way. When you randomize the sky all the settings in the palettes are replaced by randomly generated values.

To randomize your sky:

Remember, you can always return to the default settings by clicking on the top Memory Dot.

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